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A statement from Shadow Transport Minister, the Hon Susan Jackson, JP, MP

The news of two more road fatalities in such a small window of time is devastating, and our hearts and prayers go out to the families suffering from their unexpected loss. Our roads are the number one cause of death in Bermuda and unless more is done to safeguard road users, Bermuda will only experience more shock and sadness.

Road users are crying out on all social media platforms calling for the government to recognize the severity of the situation and so far, there’s been silence. It’s the responsibility of government to create a framework for a community to live safely and so far, government has washed their hands as if there isn’t any more they can do.

It’s time for the Burt Administration to form a comprehensive task force to examine all the potential hazards and devise an action plan that is achievable. Urgently forming a task force is not a financial burden, it’s an exercise in commitment and doing the work.

Repair and maintain our roads to a higher standard. Identify particularly hazardous areas with appropriate warnings. Re-examine laws and phase out vehicles that no longer serve their intended purpose. Transport Control has data. Examine the data and adopt zero tolerance strategies for relicensing.

Roll up your sleeves and start building a workable plan, including amendments to laws, that will encourage responsible driving.